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Meetings in China

To organise successful meetings in China, prior knowledge of Chinese business etiquette is recommended. Our clients commend us on our insight into the Chinese thought process that helps prepare them for their meetings and ensures they get the maximum benefit from them.

We will reconfirm and plan meetings for you in a logical method to avoid traffic problems and save time. Our professional interpreters will accompany you and help with presentations and training if required.

We can advise you and help prepare you for your business visit to China, regardless of your industry background. Trip planning and travel bookings are integral to our service.

If you are planning on going to China for the first time, feel free to download this handy flyer with tips on do's and dont's when going to China on business.


A comprehensive book for Westerners going to China on business, Active Business Travel China is available for sale or in bulk order as a corporate gift.

The Global Travel Industry's Portal to China's Tourism and Hospitality Sectors

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